Mind Magic

Mind Magic

డా. బి.వి.పట్టాభిరామ్

Dr. BV Pattabhi Ram

రూ. 175

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Publisher:  Emesco Books Pvt. Ltd

Dr. B.V. Pattabhi Ram M.A.(Psy), Ph.D.
The face of this world is rapidly changing. The youth of today is oppressed, suppressed and depressed with some kind of worry, fear, tension, and a number of complexes. Ignorant of the strength of their own being, they resort to smoking, alcohol and other harmful things or else they give in to jealousy, anger, passion etc. and subject themselves as well as others to loss of peace of mind.
We need a technique to save ourselves in such turbulent times. Though we have wonderful methods like yoga available in our country, today’s youth maintains a distance from them. Parents are scared of the society to consult psychologists. Therefore, as a psychologist and counsellor,
I thought it is my moral obligation to the society to give some tips to manage the mind. I have added some case studies in this book.

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Book Details

TitleMind Magic
Writerడా. బి.వి.పట్టాభిరామ్
CategoryEnglish Books
Stock 100
Book IdEBE023
Pages 272
Release Date14-Jan-2005

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