Good Teacher

Good Teacher

డా. బి.వి.పట్టాభిరామ్

Dr. BV Pattabhi Ram

రూ. 125

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Publisher:  Emesco Books Pvt. Ltd

Dr. B.V. Pattabhi Ram M.A.(Psy), Ph.D.
There are two reasons for writing this book.        
The first is my reading of the biography of Bala Gangadhar Tilak, which has sparked off great respect for teachers. While he had been working as school master, the press reporters asked him: “Sir, you’re a great freedom fighter. What would you do after we secure independence? Would you accept the position of a minister or prime minister?” He replied, “What’s use of becoming a minister? I’ll be a school master who could turn out several ministers and prime ministers. This position of a master that trains the youth to protect India is a greater post for me than that of a minister.” Thus, Tilak expressed his reverence towards teachers. So, I thought of writing on teachers, the nation builders.
The second reason is the regrettable reports over teachers presently appearing in news papers. Whether they are facts or falsities, my one yearning is that the revered profession of teaching should neither grow weeds nor get polluted by them. If we occupy such decent positions in society, all that credit goes to teachers. The teacher is an experienced sculptor, who carves out an auspicious figure of divinity from a dumb rock. The same rock could be turned into pieces, which in the hands of unsocial elements become lethal weapons. So the future of such obtuse, dull rock like student lies in the hands of the teacher.

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Book Details

TitleGood Teacher
Writerడా. బి.వి.పట్టాభిరామ్
CategoryEnglish Books
Stock 100
Book IdEBJ013
Pages 192
Release Date07-Jan-2010

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