Know Your Diabetes For A Happy Life

Know Your Diabetes For A Happy Life

డా.అశోక్‌ వెంకటనర్సు

Dr. Ashok Venkata Narasu

రూ. 50

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Publisher:  Emesco Books Pvt. Ltd.

Know Your Diabetes For A Happy Life
Dr. Ashok Venkatanarasu, MD, DM
Ex. Assistant professor,
Department of Endocrinology, SVIMS, Tirupati,
Consultant Endocrinologist, Hyderabad.

About This Book

This book has covered diabetes from basic understanding of the disease to
importance of lifestyle changes in the management, diabetes complications,
when and how to screen the complications, how to prevent the complications
and on the whole how to live happy life with diabetes in an easy
understanding way.

Books By This Author

Book Details

TitleKnow Your Diabetes For A Happy Life
Writerడా.అశోక్‌ వెంకటనర్సు
CategoryEnglish Books
Stock 100
Book IdEBQ037
Pages 96
Release Date05-Aug-2017

© 2014 Emescobooks.Allrights reserved

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