K.S. Murty Complete works in English : Volume-1

K.S. Murty Complete works in English : Volume-1

ఆచార్య కె. సచ్చిదానంద మూర్తి

Prof. K. Satchidananda Murty

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Publisher:  Emesco Books Pvt.Ltd.

Prof.  Kotta  Satchidananda Murthy
Complete works in English : Volume-1
The Indian Spirit  &Hinduism and its Development

About This Book

Prof. Satchidananda Murthy liberally travelled to a good number of countries and visited many universities and delivered lectures on philosophy. He was bestowed upon innumerable honours and felicitations all over the world. Satchidananda Murthy is a versatile and learned scholar in Sanskrit, English, Telugu & Hindi. Further, he was an editor to several publications.

Books By This Author

Book Details

TitleK.S. Murty Complete works in English : Volume-1
Writerఆచార్య కె. సచ్చిదానంద మూర్తి
CategoryEnglish Books
Stock Not Available
Book IdEBP005
Pages 448
Release Date04-Aug-2016

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