Governance with a Difference

Governance with a Difference

వనం జ్వాలా నరసింహారావు

Vanam Jwala Narasimha Rao

రూ. 250

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Publisher:  Emesco Books Pvt. Ltd


About This Book

A variety of development and welfare initiatives were conceived and grounded involving every department in the very first year of CM in office. They include civic amenities, irrigation projects, water grid, roads, swachh Telangana, haritaharam, industries, power, cleaning of Hussainsagar, Kalyanalaxmi, Shadimubarak, Aasara pensions, land distribution to Dalits, housing etc.,

Books By This Author

Book Details

TitleGovernance with a Difference
Writerవనం జ్వాలా నరసింహారావు
CategoryEnglish Books
Stock 100
Book IdEBQ019
Pages 464
Release Date30-Apr-2017

© 2014 Emescobooks.Allrights reserved

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