English Idioms Made Easy for Indian Students

English Idioms Made Easy for Indian Students

వసంత పింగళి

Vasanta Pingali

రూ. 200

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Publisher:  Emesco Books Pvt. Ltd

Prof. Prakasam V.
Dr. S.D. Subba Reddy

About This Book

As idioms are unique to a language, they cannot be translated into other languages. The figurative meaning of the expression would be lost in translation and only the literal meaning would be retained, thus rendering it of little use. Each language has its own storehouse of idioms. In English alone, according to Wikipedia, there are more than 25,000 idiomatic expressions.

Books By This Author

Book Details

TitleEnglish Idioms Made Easy for Indian Students
Writerవసంత పింగళి
CategoryEnglish Books
Stock 100
Book IdEBP025
Pages 424
Release Date09-Apr-2016

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