Basics Of Communication Skills

Basics Of Communication Skills

డా. కోమలి ప్రకాష్

Dr.Komali Prakash

రూ. 50

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Publisher:  Emesco Books Pvt. Ltd

Dr.S.D.Subba Reddy

About This Book

Rhythm is an essential part of our daily lives. We can feel rhythm in all activities like breathing, running, cycling, etc. Even in speech there is rhythm. Rhythm in speech is all to do with the flow of the language. According to Ashby and Maidment, “Rhythm can be defined as the patterns of occurrence in a time of relatively strong and relatively weak events.

Books By This Author

Book Details

TitleBasics Of Communication Skills
Writerడా. కోమలి ప్రకాష్
CategoryEnglish Books
Stock 100
Book IdEBP023
Pages 80
Release Date15-Mar-2016

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