Glimpses into The Tribal Life of Andhra Pradesh

Glimpses Into The Tribal Life Of Andhra Pradesh

ఓ.యస్.వి.డి. ప్రసాద్


రూ. 90

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Publisher:  Emesco Books Pvt. Ltd


About This Book

Written by :- O.S.V.D. PRASAD

Now-a-days it is almost well known that wherever there are forests, there are tribes. Where ever there is less communicated and less facilitated area over the world it may be any region or any corner of our globe due to thick, huge and large forest covering existing over the world and main domain of forests in the form of hill, plateau and gorge etc., there are tribes. Wherever you find such people who are very closely and keenly linked with natural objects like forests and other out-puts of nature, tribes must be existing there. This affinity with nature helps them in keeping themselves off from fantasies, ecstasies, utopian imagination and bundles of baseless beliefs etc. and hence wherever you happen to meet such people, you may easily conclude that they may be tribal people.

Books By This Author

Book Details

TitleGlimpses into The Tribal Life of Andhra Pradesh
Writerఓ.యస్.వి.డి. ప్రసాద్
Stock Not Available
Book IdEBH046
Pages 152
Release Date30-Jan-2008

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