Origin of Religion and The vision of Mahatma

Origin of Religion and The vision of Mahatma


Dr. S. D. Subba Reddy

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Publisher:  Emesco Books Pvt. Ltd

Origin of Religion and The vision of Mahatma
- Dr. S.D. Subba Reddy

About This Book

Therefore, in this book, I explained the origin of religion and its process of evolution in the human community, making it as brief as possible before I could demystify the religious content in Indic and Abrahamic religions while elucidating the essential
aspects of every religion to make it easily comprehensible to the teenagers so that their concentration on essentialities of the prevalent religions would naturally instill in them the respect for other religions as they expect others to do the same to their religion

Books By This Author

Book Details

TitleOrigin of Religion and The vision of Mahatma
CategoryEnglish Books
Stock Available
Book IdEBW020
Pages 284
Release Date26-Apr-2023

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