The Complete Kritis of Tygarja

The Complete Kritis of Tygarja

మద్దాలి వేంకటసుబ్బయ్య

Maddali Venkata Subbayya

రూ. 600

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Publisher:  Emesco Books Pvt. Ltd

The Complete Kritis of  Tygarja
Compiled by
Maddali Venkata Subbayya

About This Book

Though the history of Tygarajaswami is familiar to most music lovers, it would be appropriate to narrate briefly a few historical facts for the convenience of all the readers of this book.

Books By This Author

Book Details

TitleThe Complete Kritis of Tygarja
Writerమద్దాలి వేంకటసుబ్బయ్య
CategoryEnglish Books
Stock Available
Book IdEBS025
Pages 688
Release Date06-Jun-2019

© 2014 Emescobooks.Allrights reserved

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